This is the ultimate list of Canadian candies

Candyville Canada
5 min readFeb 21, 2022


Since it is late January, many of us have fallen off the “Get Healthy New Years Resolution” train. Today let’s celebrate failure by exploring the wicked world of Canadian candy. It’s sort of a continuation of my last post about 17 delicious Canadian junk foods. This time around, I will focus on Canadian chocolate bars, Canadian candy, and Canadian chips. Junk food aisles in Canada have a lot of treats you can only find there. Candy and chocolate bars make great souvenirs for friends, or just for when you’re feeling sweet.

Canadian Chocolate Bars

Big Turk

I have yet to eat a Big Turk. The more I talk about them, the more people tell me “You’ve got to have one”.”.”. Someday, I will, but when I’m buying chocolate or candy here in Canada, I end up buying my favourites. Pink Turkish Delight, a rosewater confection made with a gel of starch and sugar and coated in milk chocolate, makes up the big Turk. Supposedly, they’re awesome, and those who like them rave about them and demand that they be sent from far away. Next time I feel like chocolate, I’m going to pick up this Canadian chocolate bar.

Coffee Crisp

Coffee Crisp Chocolate bar is one of those bars that you grow to like as you get older. When I was younger, I thought these things were weird. My mom and grandma picked through my Halloween treats and did me a favour by eating them. As I grew up and developed a taste for coffee, these Canadian chocolate bars quickly became a favourite of mine. They are airy, watery, and chocolatey. These fellows can be found just about anywhere Candy is sold in Canada.

Crispy Crunch

It used to be possible to find Crispy Crunch chocolate bars in the United States, but now can only be found in Canada. It’s basically a flattened bar filled with crispy, crunchy, flaky/chewy peanut butter.

Milk from Neilsons

This chocolate bar is known as one of Canada’s most creamy-milk bars. You can’t beat simple. And this is by far one of the simplest.

Sweet Marie

Sweet Marie Chocolate was inspired by a love story described in a poem titled “Sweet Marie”. Raymond Moore put the poem to music, and the song took off. In response to this hit song/poem/story, a Canadian chocolate company created the Sweet Marie Chocolate Bar. The Sweet Marie is sort of similar to a Mr Big. It has rice crisps, peanuts, caramel, and chewy nougat.

Cadbury Pep Bar

These mint chocolate bars remind me of my Grandma. I don’t know what it is about older women and mint chocolate, but they just gobble that stuff up. Cadbury Pep Bars aren’t very popular, and they can be hard to find. I’m guessing that Grandma’s across Canada are snatching them up like hotcakes. It’s a working theory…


My personal favourite chocolate bar is the Aero. It’s not unique to Canada (I’ve had one in Australia before), but it’s popular here. Aero has expanded into other flavours, such as caramel, orange, and mint, but the original milk chocolate Aero is the most popular. The texture is fun, quirky, and melts in your mouth.


A Caramilk bar is my fiancé’s favourite chocolate bar. Caramilk bars are essentially a bar of squares, each filled with caramel and encased in milk chocolate. This is a chocolate that can be easily broken into smaller pieces. The Canadians love them.

