Candy-Inspired Games to Play with Your Kids

Candyville Canada
1 min readJan 24, 2024


Who does not enjoy playing games? When we were children, we looked for novel game ideas to play at our birthday celebrations. Not only did we like playing musical chairs, but also had super fun while playing games like passing the parcel. For all these childhood years, one thread has bound us since immemorial-candies.

Many consider candies their best friends, almost like their lovers. When we have two of our favourites together, games and candies, let us curate a fantastic fusion to curate some super fun games inspired by candies to play with your children.

Candy games help your children connect with you better and incentivize them to do tasks they wouldn’t otherwise do. Playing games with your children deepens your bond and takes it to heights. Games are super fun, plus candies help you enhance these games to another level.

Candy Distributors Canada has thousands of candy varieties to help you curate such fantastic games to play with your little ones. We have all of the varieties of these candies, from cotton candies to gummies and chewies to chocolate bars, covered for you. These candies are brought to you by wholesale candy suppliers in Canada, giving you a chance to enjoy and educate your children in a snap.

We have curated 10 such unique games for you and your children. Each of these games has been listed by rules, different perks, and what you can expect from such games. Happy eating and happy playing!

Originally published at on January 24, 2024.



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